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Letter from the Founder

The advent of e-commerce promised lower barriers to entry for entrepreneurs, and an easier way to reach a wide base of customers. Instead, e-commerce has come to be dominated by a select number of big players, who dominate the market through predatory practices that small businesses cannot compete with.

I founded Retrieval to empower e-commerce entrepreneurs with the ability to compete with the big guys, all while creating more convenient options for today’s forward-thinking online consumers. With Retrieval, everyone will have a piece of the pie of the online marketplace, and together we’ll all grow.

What We're Doing

Retrieval continuously adds brick-and-mortar boutiques across the country to the Retrieval network.

Retrieval creates a free pick-up option for online stores out of any brick-and-mortar within our network.

We present consumers a free click-and-collect fulfillment option, and pay out all small business partners equitably.

Meet Our Partners



Retrieval was founded by Greg Picard.


Retrieval’s first tool, our Shopify POS app was launched.


By the end of 2024, Retrieval intends to role out the world’s first pick-up-only webstore, compiling products from Retrieval partners across the country.


Retrieval plans to expand its offering to a wholesale marketplace, warehousing operations, and Retrieval-owned order pick-up stations.


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